FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – January 25, 2023
The first repatriation returns for Gitxaała: a Gitnagun’aks House Post is coming home from Harvard University!
The next meeting for the Gitxaała Repatriation Committee, open to all community members, is on Sunday, January 29th, 2023, at 3:00pm, at the Gitxaała Band Office Boardroom.
The Peabody Museum at Harvard University is repatriating a house post bought by a fishing company in 1885. The house post was acknowledged as the grizzly bear pole of Gitxaała of the Gitnagun’aks and has been in the care of the museum since 1917 and placed in storage for the last two decades. The transfer agreement has just been signed and the house post will ship to Prince Rupert at the end of January 2023. The house post will be exhibited at the Museum of Northern BC until the museum in Lax Klan is constructed. It will arrive in Prince Rupert some time in March and a community celebration will occur in April. An event at Harvard will occur after the Gitxaała celebration.
For more information, and to join the January 29th Gitxaała repatriation meeting by Zoom, contact culture@gitxaalanation.com