Open Meeting Notice!
Lu Sa Hax Hoyagm Wil’nat’aał wishes to invite all Gitxaała members to an update on:
The Kitselas Treaty—Its Impacts on Gitxaała Territory and Rights
BC Room, Crest Hotel Prince Rupert
and via zoom
Februray 27
2:00—7:00 PM
2:00—2:30: Doors open, coffee and refreshments.
2:30: Opening Prayer–Nis hiywaas (Matthew Hill)
2:35–2:45: Opening remarks and introduction of Lu Sa Hax Hoyagm members—Txagyet (Clarence Innis)
2:45—3:45: Presentation on Kitselas Treaty and Impacts—Christopher Devlin, Sequoia Legal
3:45—4:00: Lu Sa Hax Hoyagm comments
4:00—7:00: Q & A, comments
(5:30: Dinner served)
In-person attendance limited by room size, please RSVP to: Mary Denton ( in advance.
Lu Sa Hax Hoyaxgm Wil’nat’aał (LSHH), the joint committee of Hereditary Chiefs and elected Council, wish to invite all Gitxaała members to discuss the impacts of the Kitselas Treaty. The proposed Kitselas Treaty will adversely affect Gitxaała Aboriginal rights and title held by the Smygiget (Hereditary Chiefs) to Nɫuut’iksgm Laxyuubm Gitxaała (traditional territory).
Over the past 18 months we have tried to engage in substantive discussions with Kitselas about these issues and to reach a protocol agreement. The first substantive discussion between our Nations only occurred last week on February 6th, 2025.
The Kitselas treaty offers rights to territory and resources of the Gitxaala. The rights granted are acquired by commercial and economic activity and are not the result of a traditional right. Gitxaala have maintained that rights acquired must be maintained in the context of aywaax, adaawx and gu gwithyansk. To that end LSHH has provided a protocol agreement to Kitselas that will reconcile Gitxaała aywaax, adaawx and gu gwithyansk with Kitselas Treaty rights—a simple and fair solution.
Kitselas has not yet agreed. What’s more, in spite of not having any kind of agreement with Gitxaała, Kitselas insists on moving forward with its treaty ratification vote on April 10.