West Coast Launch - Ferry Service - NEW!
Gitxaała Enterprises Corp has partnered with West Coast Launch to provide twice weekly Ferry Service from the Cow Bay Marina in Prince Rupert to Kitkatla

Please Call the Administration Office to Book and pay (250) 848-2214
FRIDAYS: 11AM departure from Prince Rupert and 1PM departure from Kitkatla
SUNDAYS: 12PM departure from Prince Rupert and 2PM departure from Kitkatla
- Adult 12+ $31 each way
- Senior 65+ $21 each way
- Child 5 – 11 $21 each way
North Co Corp - Ferry Service

Tsimshian Storm is a ferry owned by three communities: Kitkatla, Hartley Bay and Metlakatla. The ferry services Kitkatla, Hartley Bay, Metlakatla and Oona River.
The Tsimshian Storm departs from the Metlakatla Ferry Dock in Prince Rupert twice a week at 10 am. The Return trip departs Kitkatla 12 noon. Timing can be weather dependant. Calendar shows monthly schedule.
This travel must be reserved through the Kikatla Band Office (250) 848-2214
- Adult 12+ $31 each way
- Senior 65+ $21 each way
- Child 5 – 11 $21 each way
- Freight is also subject to 5% GST