Gitxaała Nation Elected Governing Council
The Gitxaała Administration is governed by the Elected Gitxaała Chief and Council.

Chief Councillor - Linda Innes
I am honoured to be serving my second term as elected Chief Councillor on behalf of Gitxaała.
In 2021, I received my Bachelor of Arts degree with a minor in Political Science through the University of Northern British Columbia. I have over 30 years of work experience in health, social-work, and business administration, with the past three years in governance. I look forward to using my education and work experience to continue building a strong nation of leaders.
Over the next three years, I am committed to doing the best I can, by creating safe work environments and upholding the Indigenous Women and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People Declaration.
I come from a culture with strong traditions, and teachings of our ancestors which have sustained our people and Gitxaała Traditional territory since time immemorial. My late father was Gitksan, and my mother is Gitxaała under the house chief La’Oi.
I thank all those who came before me and I look forward to work towards decolonization, picking up the pieces of our culture, to heal, to trust, to communicate, and to unify through healthy relationships and interactions with one another, and with government to government.

Deputy Chief - Bruce Innes
I have been Elected for the Deputy Chief position. I have been lucky to represent you in previous years as I was previously elected in on 2 terms; so I have the experience needed.
I have also worked for our Nation starting as Post Secondary Coordinator, then as Office Manager. I have education in Business Administration but to be honest, I need 3 courses to obtain my Diploma, the college offered to give me a certificate but I refused because I would like to EARN it. As you can see I can take on a challenge.
I am an honest man and have been leading by example as to what I want for our community.
I have been “Out Home” since 2004 and am enjoying my life here.
There is ALWAYS room for improvement when it comes to serving our people of Gitxaała.
Portfolios: Public Works

Councillor - Brenna Innes
Brenna Innes, a proud mother of four, belongs to the Ganhada clan, House of Dzogmgishaatks. In August 2019, she was elected to council during a by-election, bringing her dedication and expertise to Gitxaała.
Educated at the University of the Fraser Valley, Brenna holds a certificate in Indigenous Films, Maps, Rights, and Land Claims, along with an Associate of Arts Degree. Her professional journey spans the justice and health care sectors, where she has excelled in roles such as a Gladue Report Writer, Justice Coordinator, Mental Health and Addictions Worker, and Youth Worker. Through these positions, Brenna has provided invaluable support to vulnerable individuals and cultivated strong relationships across diverse backgrounds.
Passionate about promoting awareness and inclusion within the Gitxaała community, Brenna actively advocates for band opportunities and engages in political discussions. She finds joy in participating in gatherings with Gitxaała members, where they share, teach, and preserve the community’s language, traditional songs, and dances.
Brenna’s dedication is reflected in her key portfolios of Health and Justice, where she strives to make a positive impact on the well-being of Gitxaała Nation members.
Portfolios: Health & Safety, Justice

Councillor - Joscelin Lewis
Joscelin is proud to be given the opportunity to serve our Nation as an elected council member for Gitxaala. She comes from the Ganhada Clan. She is grateful to be blessed with 4 children and 4 grandchildren.
Joscelin graduated from Prince Rupert Secondary School and has experience in administration in various roles including: Executive Assistant, Social Worker’s Assistant, Reception, Housing Clerk (Housing Managers Certificate) Payroll & Accounts Payable. She is hopeful that the experience within the organization will be very beneficial in helping develop policies/updating policies and procedures to help our nation move forward.
Joscelin is very much approachable and very open minded. She believes in teamwork, leading by example, building healthy relationships & maintaining balance. In order to do so we must work on healing & having open communication.
Joscelin enjoys traditional food harvesting with her husband, reading & watching basketball – Go Warriors Go!
Portfolios: Health & Safety, Community Service, Justice

Youth Councillor - Jamie Angus
Jamie Angus di waayu
Gisbutwada Di Pdeegu
Gitxaała di will waatgu
My parents are Charlotte Brown & Frank Angus Sr. My grandparents are Don Brown Sr. and the late Marjorie Brown.
Jamie has worked within Gitxaała Nation as an Education Assistant at Lach Klan School for many years and has also worked as a youth worker at the community centre. Jamie is eager to learn and is honoured to be given this opportunity to serve the nation as the youth councillor for Gitxaała.
Portfolios: Available for All

Councillor - Marion Brown
Marion Brown is a film and television specialist with over three decades of successful experience in all aspects of film and television production. She holds an MBA from Simon Fraser University and works as a consultant specializing in Innovative Indigenous Governance. Her education has included study at the University of Arizona Indigenous Governance January in Tucson program. Marion is currently attending Harvard Kennedy John F. Kennedy School of Government as a Public Leadership Credential candidate and will graduate in 2022.
Marion’s education also includes graduation from the British Columbia Institute of Technology with a Broadcast Communications Diploma, where she also studied Operations Management. She graduated from Vancouver College of Counsellor Training and is a trained family therapist.
A strong believer of a well-rounded education and is a lifelong learner. She comes from a family who has always valued education and healing and is a second-generation master’s degree holder, as her mother Frances Brown also held a master’s degree.
Marion has played the alto saxophone for over 20 years and enjoys travel and reading.
Her primary focus in her councillorship will be education, policy development and scalability. Governance structure and organizations must build social cohesion and encompass all aspects of nation building to benefit all Gitxaała citizens. Our council must promote the social, political, cultural and economic strengthening of the Gitxaała Nation.
“We need a seat at the table … If we’re not at the table, we’re probably on the menu.” ― Roberto Mukaro Borrero
Portfolio: Administration & Finance