IR Administration
Indian Registry Administration
The Indian Registry provides Gitxaała Nation members access to benefits through the AANDC including the tracking of heritage through birth and marriage, status card replacement and creation, and various other benefits.
Indian Registry –Â Emma Moody
Department Summary
Renew/update status cards
Register events: births, marriages, divorce, separation, deaths, transfers in/out, name change, request new registration number
Keep band list up-to-date
Keep AIS up-to-date as well with add new registrations, new address, name change, newborn babies or transfers in our out
Keeping all the IRS binders up-to-date(remove old pages replace with new ones)
Maintaining all personal folders and adding in new ones and removing any who have transferred out or individuals who have passed on
Filing all reports that have been sent out by AANDC
Ensuring that all events and forms are mailed off to AANDC.